15 September 2008


life is weird

back at school, watching peopple from my dorm window.

on my desk:  easy Sodoku book (over 180 puzzles!), my schedule (highlighted in five colors), OPI true red nail polish, notecards cut in half.  three bottles of water (all empty), a permanent black marker, jasmine aromatherapy oil.  the front page of the new york times (printed from a pdf.)

yea, i'm living the good life.  does anyone read this anymore?  probably not.  since there's nothing to read.  but it's nice to know that, should anyone ever stumble upon me, they might stop and find something out.

unlike in the real world.

people walking by, giving tours, wearing jeans on 80 degree mondays.  orange construction cones, the buzz of workers on tractors.  reconstruction, rebirth, repetition.

03 August 2008

"who said looks aren't everything? no one. that's why you're the hottie of the day!"

are you fucking kidding me, mtv? and you WONDER why teenagers are so fucked up?
granted, maybe you're being funny and ironic but really when you've got nextornot.com it's kind of hard to take it as a joke.


generation y.

01 August 2008

i want to fall in love. with anything. doesn't have to be a somebody, can be a somewhere or a something or an inexplicable. i just feel kind of numb lately and under the hot humid sun of the midwest that isn't a good feeling. it feels like i'm encased in wax.

things to fall in love with? anything?

(he still hasn't called.)

29 July 2008


is it weird that, as a teenager with a brand-spankin-new drivers license, the two places i frequent daily are not the mall and the movies but rather, the bookstore and the library?

i think it is weird. there's a lot weird about me. like, how i had more serious relationships in the eighth grade than i have had thus far in my entire high school career.

or how my dream is to be a writer but i can't stand microsoft word. or, how it's so easy for me to tell big bad life-altering lies but the white lies come so hard?

I'M A FREAK OF NATURE, folks. just thought you'd like to know.

(it's more fun, to be honest.)

19 July 2008

it was a good day

car keys
MIA's new album kala
flip flops
quarter-full tank
ninetytwo degrees,